Change & Transition


I found this quote on another quote page and wanted to share it  today because I feel strongly that this is a season of transition, not just for me but for lots of people. Someone told me yesterday: “I get excited when I see people who are broken because I know the size of the breakthrough that’s coming” and that really inspired me.

I don’t know what you’re going through today, but I just wanted to encourage you that whatever you’re walking through, there IS another side. There IS an ending to the confusion and hurt and fear and stress. The sun WILL shine again. Things will make sense again. Maybe not now, in the midst of the struggle or the shake-up…but someday soon. And all the stuff you are contending with right now will someday be looked back upon as the very circumstances that made you stronger, and better, and more empathetic toward other people who are walking in the shadows. So keep going. Let your arms fall and stop trying to hold all the pieces together. Maybe it’s okay if it all falls apart. Or maybe it’s not falling apart at all. Maybe the broken pieces are just being built into a stronger foundation.

Recently there has been a lot of heart ache and sadness that’s been surrounding my life and close circle of family and friends. So much so that it sometimes gets hard to see the brighter side of things. But at the end of the day after all of the break downs, tears, pain and heartache the only logical thing to do is to keep yourself focused on the good side of life, the things that bring you joy. They are there, they are around. Little things…all you have to do is try and spot them out through all of the chaos and soon things will start looking a little brighter. This is a problem I also face sometimes, its easier said than done, trust me, but it certainly can be done. Every high and every low you are going to go through will be worth it in the end. I found another quote later on today that read ‘If you figure it all out today (Whatever it is that you are trying to understand, face or conqueror), what would be the point of tomorrow? ENJOY the process of being a work in progress’ that it itself is inspiring to me. It can be frustrating, I know, but trust me it will be worth it in the end.

Sending you love and prayers today…wherever you are, and whatever transitions or storms you are currently walking through. You are a work in progress, and the sun always shines after the rain.


Heaven Gained Another Angel


This last Friday I got news that a friend of mine had passed away. It was something that none of us expected. My circle of friends is quite small so the impact that his passing has had on us is tremendously painful.

Justin was a person that always seemed to be happy and content with life. He had a tough time these last few years with the cards that he had been dealt but through it all he always kept a smile on his face. I met Justin years ago when my family and I went on a trip to Sun City, Through the years I had not really kept in touch with him but ever so often he would send me a message or an invite to meet up, and occasionally I would be able to take him up on his offer. It was only recently that I was able to spend more time with him and really get to see him as he was. I met up with Justin over the December holidays at a braai that he was having at a close friends house. He was as charming and sweet as I remembered, he was always the perfect Gentleman, It turned out to be an evening I would never forget.  I met some really amazing people that night and we got to laugh about a lot of silly things that too.

I saw Justin again on New Years eve for a night out on the town with our circle of friends. It was actually a pretty lovely evening. We danced the night away and celebrated our way into another year. The later It got the little more rowdy my group of friends got,  a few words were exchanged that night and it left us ending off the night on a bit of a sour note, not the way I think any of us would have wanted it to.

After that evening I never got to see Justin again but I had to opportunity to speak to him briefly over the phone, but still was not really able to straighten things out with him on what was said on New years eve.

I think we all sort of tried to forget what had happened instead of holding a grudge with him. When we heard about his passing this last weekend I think we all were quite shocked, shocked because  of his sudden passing but also because we never got to speak to him and make up with him for that night. Things were said, a few hurtful things & we all are a bit taken back by the fact that we will now never be able to make things right.

It just again reminds you of how fragile and how short life really is., from one day to the next things can change in an instant. Never leave things that needs fixing, always end things off on a good note, never say or do anything that you might regret later.

Rest in peace big Guy



April, I’ve been waiting for you


April, finally! I’ve been counting down the day till you got here. Although I am not one to wish time away, this occasion surely called for it. April is a big month for me, one that I have been looking forward to over 200 days ago when I found out that I would be going to Paris.

Now if you know me, you would know that I have a pretty huge obsession, love and fascination with the city of love ever since I was a little girl. It all started back when my dad had his own IT business, he was away on business trips almost every second month. As a child we looked forward to all the gifts that he would bring back for us. Then his trip to Paris came up, at that stage I did not really know anything about Paris per say except that It was another destination on the world map. On my dad’s return from all his other trip he always brought back toys or make-up, so we expected the same when he returned from Paris. We picked him up from the airport loaded all his bags in the car and headed home, I still remember it like it was yesterday. We were so excited to see what he had got us, so as excited as we were we followed him into the house and kept our eyes locked on his bags. We all huddled up together on his bed as he was busy unpacking his clothes trying to spot anything that looked like anything pink or shiny, surly that would be the gifts that he must have brought home for us.

As he was packing out all of his belongings he gave us a break down of his trip, everything that they did and everything they saw. It got me pretty fascinated, I imaged everything that he describe in my mind as he was explaining everything that they saw. It sounded like a magical place of old buildings, high fashion and amazing structures, but I’ll be honest, my eyes didn’t leave his suit case. One for one he started pulling out square like boxes and handing them out to us 4. Something I never ever had before since that day, my very own bottle of perfume, all the way from Paris! At the age of 8, this was not something that any girl ever really gets and especially not all the way from Paris, France. I could not stop staring at it, and quite frankly, I didn’t even care what it smelled like. The packaging and bottle was more amazing that any toy that I had ever played with before. He handed out a few more gifts to my mom and well then pulled out 4 of the largest chocolate bars that I had ever seen in my entire life, one for each of us.

My sisters and I could not believe our eyes, as kid you obviously love anything that’s sweet but never have we seen so much of it. That’s something that resonated with me, that Paris is a magical place filled with large slabs of chocolate and boxes and boxes of beautifully shaped designer perfumes. Both are things that any girl loves and since then I was hooked on the idea of Paris. The more I read and the more pictures I saw , the deeper my love for that beautiful place grew. It was on my bucket list, if not at the top of it as one of the places that I would have to see and experience. Its been quite a few years since I was 8 years old, till this day it is still one of the biggest dream that I have. I booked my ticket over 200 days ago at the end of 2014, what a day that was! I don’t think I ever cried so many tears of joy, It is finally happening. My flight to Paris is the only reason why I wished all these months away.I can’t wait to step onto that plane, I can’t wait to start packing, I can’t wait for the car ride to the airport, I can’t wait to sit in my seat and look out of the airplane window. The count down app on my phone gets checked on a permanent basis.  Paris in April, as the flowers start to bloom and to air starts to get warm. I can’t wait to meet you Paris. I’ll be seeing you soon.



Today I met Susan and Bryan

Susan and Bryan

As I was driving to the post office today to get some documents certified for the office I drove past a mother and her little son sitting on the side of the road on a towel right next to a stack of brooms standing up straight in almost a pyramid like form. Thinking back now, I must have seen them there a few times but never really payed attention to them or the stack of brooms as I rushed to work in the morning. But today as I drove up the road from the office they caught my eye. And for a few moments I felt worried, maybe it was the way this young African mother tried to keep her baby warm with a small and washed out green towel as he was trying to take a nap next to her on the grass on a very busy road. Something in me really felt worried, I placed myself in her shoes for a moment as I drove past looking back in my rear view mirror.

What must It feel like? I can’t even imagine what her worries are everyday. How did she get here? What is her story? Does she have a plan? Numerous questions went through my mind. I felt helpless, concerned for her and her little baby. I dazed out while I drove to the closest center, with all sorts of thoughts and questions, wondering what I could do to maybe make something a little easier for her. I suddenly went into motherly defense mode (Even tho I don’t have any kids of my own) and walked right past the post office and into the closest super market and down the baby Isle ( Where I don’t wonder much) and started filling a basket with some of the baby products that I have seen my sister use over the years with her two little ones. Not sure of what she might need, I grabbed a few of everything I though I would have wanted if I had a child of my own. Soaps to pudding, baby food and little treats, wet wipes and a lovely little bag for her to be able to carry it all in and headed straight to the till.

After getting the documents signed at the post office I headed back to the road that I saw her and her little boy on and  parked my car on the side walk, I headed their way with a big full of goodies.

I called out to her as I approached her and her face lit up ( Although I think she was more excited that someone had stopped To buy one of her hand made brooms). I knelt down and introduced myself and handed her the goodIie bag with all the ‘baby essentials’ and treats that I could find and chatted to her for a little while, she seemed so happy when she opened the bag and looked inside and the first thing she reached for was the baby wipes – then she started to smile. Over baby wipes? Yes, Baby wipes. She reached deeper down and one for one packed everything out onto the grass next to her while her little boy Bryan started playing with the packets of baby pudding. As she reached for each item she seemed happier and happier. Through all her excitement she asked me if I had kids, to which I replied ‘No, not yet, but I do have a niece and a nephew’ and she smiled and kept softly repeating “God bless you, God Bless you” while holding the items up to her heart (Now does that not warm up your heart and soul?)  I reached out to little Bryan sitting next to his mom on the towel and he folded his little hand over my finger just gazing at me with the biggest brown eyes.

Meeting Bryan and Susan today made my heart really happy. To know that little Bryan and his mom would have some supplies to keep them comfortable for the next few day made me really happy. It might not be enough but at least it’s something. I could see the appreciation in her face. What caught me the most was that she was not begging for money or food or standing next to the road and playing with people’s emotions but that she actually was trying to provide for her sun by doing something, not just expecting something. It can’t be easy not having a place to stay or a warm bed for your little one, when all you actually want as a parent is the world but she can’t seem to give him any of it except for maybe…Love . What kills me the most is the worry that she must have in heart, where their next meal will be or when he gets sick, how she will look after him. We are spoiled in today’s day and age, a lot of us have a lot. We take for granted what we have and what we can give to the people that we love, we all want to be ‘good’ parents and provide for our families and not let them suffer.

I’m happy I got to step out of my busy and rushed life to be able to notice Susan and Bryan today. It was such a pleasure meeting the both of them. Although I can’t promise to always be able to provide for them, I can do a few thing here and there to calm Susan’s worries. I’ll be around to watch over them and help them as I would my own family. God has a way of bring people into our lives, I might be able to help Susan and Bryan today but in actual fact they have helped me by reminding me of so many things that I take for granted on a daily basis. I really hope to be able to help more people like Susan and her gorgeous little boy even if it is with a few little things

Ever Little bit helps.


I Am Thankful for…


The Easter weekend is upon us here in South Africa, slowly but surely the warm heat from summer is starting to fade away and the cold winter air starts creeping through the air the lower the sun fades away and sets.

Today I thought that I would just dive into a little of what I am thankful for in my life. Today I woke up, just like every other day, but unlike any other day something came over me on my way to work. Life is actually pretty amazing right now. Sure, we have a few things here and there that we would like to change, but life…right now, is actually pretty amazing & there is one reason for that.

I found myself asking my sister one really deep question last weekend just out of the blue as we were heading to the mall to get some essentials. While we were driving I simply turned to her and asked her ‘ If there was anything that you could change right now, that would take all your troubles and worries away so that you would just be happy right now or in the future, what would that be?’ She turned to me with a little bit of a frown on her face looking a little confused like she thought that I had some hidden agenda behind my question and asked ‘ what do you mean?’ So I repeated my question ‘ If you could change anything right now that is bothering you or hurting you, you know, something that will make you happy right now, and make you enjoy living life again, what would it be?’. After a few seconds of silence she looked down at her phone and said ‘I would want daddy to be happy and to find a Job that he loves’. Her answer was so selfless, out of everything that she has recently been through at work (and she’s had it tough) she stopped and thought about someone else. I admire her for that. Instead of choosing something that would make her life easier and make her happier, she put someone that she loves and care for ahead of her wants and needs. That is in a nutshell how my family is & that is what I am thankful for today and every other day and year until the day that I breathe out my last breath.

My sisters have always been my favorite people, I know everyone say it or had said it before. But I really do love them. My parents, they are truly thee best people that anyone will ever meet. Growing up my parents were always around, always actively available in our lives as kids, teens and young adults. Their passion and love for us has been something that only a hand full of people in the world are ever able to experience. The boys had it tough, let me tell you. With 3 daughters in the house my dad was permanently on watch. He kept a close eye on us and our lives, while mom, she was there to dry the tears and listen when we needed some ‘girl talk’, she was the real push over, but not in the bad kind of way, she was always there to help, listen and bail us out of any trouble when we needed a small favor. She was the softy out of the two, the loving caring side of the family circle that always wanted us to be happy although it was advised to not get on her bad side.

Dad on the other hand, he was the real alpha male, he argued his way out of almost everything. I remember always looking at him as a real life hero. He could talk himself out of a ticket, well actually more like argue his way out of it. He was always really good at making the point that you had, however good it might have been, seem like you had no foot to stand on. I thought it was genius! The times that he had gone into the principles office at our schools to argue a case against us girls to wear our hair a certain way or put a little base on a mark that we didn’t want the boys to see was countless. He was pretty well known in every school that we ever attended. And we loved him for it, my dad always had an opinion about everything. He always taught us to stand up for ourselves and to always ask questions. He got things right and sometimes I don’t even know how.

The funny thing about my dad is that even tho he seemed like such a tough old man, he could also have the softest and smallest heart out. Living in a house full of woman he had to learn how to deal with all our emotions, hormones and mood swings. One day we would be just like him, arguing a point and the next we would burst out into tears. He could handle both like a pro. What I really love about my dad is that even with his hard exterior us girls always have a soft spot in his heart. If we ever have a bad day or broke up with a boyfriend he would always be there to comfort us, but not like a pat on the back. He would hug you like you have never been hugged before, he knows just what to say and listens, really listens. He has this calming effect over us when we have our weak and heart sore moments. I remember when I just got out of my first and longest relationship, when we finally ended it, realization that something I treasured and loved so much just vanished started setting in and I was not ready to let go. Anyone that knows me know that I’m a very private person. I don’t like to share my thoughts and feeling, I see it as a weakness. But  I remember walking into my parents room, both of them were laying on their bed watching TV. I walked up to my dads side, through my arms around his neck and hugged him. Hugged him (almost choking him) and didn’t say anything. I was really fighting back the tears until he mumbled softly ‘ What’s wrong my baby’… and that was it, I burst into tears. All i wanted in that moment was for my hero to hold me and hug me with that sense of protection, that nothing would be able to hurt me. He knew exactly what to say and what to ask and how to comfort me. I cried like a baby in him arms that day. If he could have done anything that day to take away my hurt and pain, he would have.

That is just one example of many moments like those. We have plenty of them – but then there are also a lot of good ones too. I will always admire what we have, and I hope that my kids would one day look at my relationship with my family the way that I look and appreciate the relationship that I have with them.

Out of everything that I have in life, I am the most thankful for my Family. They are where my day begins and ends, the are the light to my darkest days and the sweetest taste of love that I will ever have the privilege of knowing and experiencing.

I thank God every day for the honor of knowing them and being a part their very special time here on earth.

They are the best thing in my life and will always be the most important thing to me. I will never ever be able to express how thankful I am.


I am truely Blessed


I have just recently joined a new church in my neighborhood, an experience that I have been waiting to stumble upon for years now. It’s hard to find a place where your soul and heart feels whole. And funny enough it was all by chance, to save the bibble and babble, fate stepped in and after a few unexpected events I joined my family one morning for some good R & R.

Little did I know what an impact this would have one me. One thing led to another and my heart was sold. I joined the church, auditioned for the band and found myself in the process meeting some amazing new people. Since two weeks ago everything seems to be falling into place. Life feels so much more worth while, the love and compassion that you get from the family of God in that place is indescribable. I look forward to life… all of a sudden my spirit feels calmed, my heart feels filled. I’m not wanting or yearning for things like I use to before. It might sound strange but I truly feel like my craving for something extraordinary has been filled.

I look forward to Monday, I look forward to Thursdays (church band practice evenings) , I look forward to Sundays…and again after that, i again look forward to Mondays for a new week so that I can have those days all over again. I’m excited for the future because I feel like my faith and love in the Lord has been restored. You can’t really explain it. I can think of many ways to try and explain it, but word for word…it is kind of impossible.

My soul craved spending time with God, It craved worship…It craved being in the Holy Spirit. The beauty of his presence and being able to share it with hundred of others who share the same love and yearning to be in his presence despite everything the world has dealt them really makes me feel blessed beyond comprehension.

Life at this point in time is truly amazing. I am thankful, I am content …I am Blessed


Sometimes people come into your life and you know right away that they were meant to be there.


They serve some sort of purpose,teach you a lesson or help figure out who you are or who you want to become

You never know who these people may be;Your roommate, your neighbor, professor,
long lost friend, lover or even a complete stranger who, when you lock eyes with them,
you know that very moment that they will affect your life in some
profound way.

And sometimes things happen to you and
at the time they seem horrible, painful and unfair, but in reflection

you realize that without over coming those obstacles you would never have realized your potential, strength, will power of heart.

Everything happens for a reason. Nothing happens by chance or by means of good or bad luck
illness, injury, love, lost moments or true greatness and sheer stupidity all occur to test the limits of the soul.

Without these small test, if they be events illnesses or relationships, life would be like a smooth paved, straight, flat road to no where. Safe and comfortable but dull and utterly pointless.

The people you meet who affect your life and successes and downfalls you experience, they are the ones who create who you are. Even the bad experience can be learned from…
Those lessons are the hardest.

and probably the most important ones…

If someone hurts you, betrays you, or break your heart…forgive them, for they have helped you
learn about trust and the importance of being cautious to whom you open your heart.

If someone loves you, love them back unconditionally, not only because they love you but because they are teaching you to love and opening your heart and eyes.. things you would have never seen or felt without them.

Make every day count. Appreciate every moment and take from it everything that you possibly can,
for you may never be able to experience it again

Talk to people you have never talked to before,
and actually listen, let yourself fall in love,
break free and set your sights high

You can make of your life anything you wish

Create your own life and then go out and live it.

I wish you all the best in your endeavors as
well as struggles in life.

Having a fighting spirit and never hesitate to get back in the struggle!

11 Things that makes being Single actually Pretty awesome

Now that I’m single, I spent a lot of time comparing how much better my life would be when I had someone in it: that I’d have someone to cuddle on the couch with, to kiss on New Year’s, to travel and eat and talk with. But, guess what? Being single has a heck of a lot of perks, too! Like the “tastes great, less filling” beer debate, there is no right answer, and if you’re looking at what’s in your glass right now, you may realize it’s fuller than you thought.

If you want a relationship, I’m all for it, and I think you should focus on the one you want in order to bring it into your life. I just don’t think you should get so caught up in hoping for the future that you forget to enjoy the fantab life you have now! After all, when you’re single…

1. “One” squeezes in easier than two. The other night, my single friend went to a stadium concert alone, fifteen minutes before it started, to buy a ticket. “Just one?” the vendor asked. My friend was about to feel insulted when the vendor offered him the grand prize: one “band seat,” a solo give-away that hadn’t been given, just one eighth-row center spot for the show. The fact is, being a “we come in a pair” couple limits your access to certain things. Being single, you can skip ahead of the roller-coaster line and squeeze in ten cars earlier. You can go to a movie five minutes after it starts and step on some feet for the one chair in the middle. You can also get the last seat on an airplane and the last space at a group table in Benihana where the family’s birthday party you’ve joined comes free of charge.

2. You can schedule—or unscheduled—your life however you choose. Mmmm, pizza for breakfast and cereal for dinner. A workout on a Saturday night and a matinée on Sunday morning. Or a day of doing nothing on the front porch. Yes, of course you can do all these things when you’re coupled up, but does your partner always want to do them with you? Having cereal for dinner may ruin the plans your partner had to grill a steak. Working out may interfere with the music show you promised you’d see. Singles don’t have a “Lemme check with…” life, which means  you can—and should!—break the rules for fun.

3. You don’t have to make crucial TiVo choices. With most TiVo devices, you can only record two shows at a time—and you have to watch one of them. So what happens when a couple in a relationship wants to catch Paula’s Home Cooking, Project Runway and a game on ESPN? It means someone’s stuck catching the highlights online later. When you’re single, you get to pick your favorite shows every single time! And that means you fellas can watch Paula Deen whenever you want.

4. You get to have a first kiss. You only have one chance to make a first impression and one chance to kiss someone for the first time. Yes, some kisses turn out froggy, but some are—how you feeling—hot, hot, hot. Don’t underestimate the awesomeness of it.

5. You can try on all the hats you want. Yes, you should love who you are and change for no one. But sampling some other worlds is like the Quantum Leap of love. I dated a jazz musician who took me to smoky little clubs in my neighborhood I didn’t know existed, and a chef who took me to dinner at tasting tables with his friends at 1 a.m. One of my girlfriends spent a few fun months dating a sailor, and another got into mountain climbing through a man she met. Of course you can try new things when you’re married, but singles get to step into the shoes of interesting experiences without planning to, simply because each new date brings someone brand new! Try on all the hats you want before you get comfy in just one.

6. You don’t have to explain your friends. We all have some friends who fit the outskirts of our personality a bit—like the one who always ends up as a drunk pile of heavy at the end of the night but still makes us laugh, or the friend who talks so much, you can only take her in small doses or big crowds. When you’re single, you can hang with your peeps, no questions asked. In a relationship, however, you do have to take your partner’s feelings into account. “Hey let’s invite my friends for dinner,” you might say. “Wait, the drunk and the one who talks too much?” your partner might ask. “I just don’t know if I’m up for that, babe.” Friendships inevitably expand, change and pare down in unexpected ways when you’re in a relationship, so enjoy going whole hog as a single person with every last one of your wacky friends now.

7. You have more time to kick butt at work—or at play. Much of the compromise that people talk about in relationships comes from the time itself you devote to spending together. Of course, you should want to spend a lot of your time with your partner, and when a relationship is right, what you choose to do together doesn’t even feel like compromise. But the quality minutes you would spend with a partner are, when you’re single, like bonus minutes! When those minutes are all yours, you can use them to do even better at work, to travel, to learn a language, to brew beer, to make soap, to learn a skill you’ll never need just because you can. Not only does this lead to a really full life, but you get to impress every date you meet—I mean, how many other beet gardeners has your date met this week?

8. You’re more open to trying new things. Yes, some couples are all about adventure. But when it comes to day-in, day-out, Monday to Friday living, we start to like what we like, and want what we want. Take for example, the common dinner quandry.

The Question: “Are you up for Mexican or Italian or do you have another idea?”

The answer from someone who’s single:
“Ooh, I don’t know, they both sound good. I’ll try either one!”

The answer from someone in a well-worn couple:
“Oh man, I don’t know. Not that Italian place for sure, I don’t like the bread they have. I wish we had good Italian near us. I definitely don’t want to go to the Mexican place by your work, though. I guess I could do the take-out one. Or maybe we should do Thai? Or we could always just get Greek salads again. I don’t know, I’m so hungry I can’t even think. I wish there was a BBQ place that delivered…”

9. You get good at everything. In a good relationship, you split the responsibilities of life: You divvie up for example, who does dishes, who monitors the savings account, and who waters the plants, hangs the curtain rods or acts as the go-to bug killer. When you’re single, however, this is all yours: You pay all the bills, check your own car coolant, level your own shelves, cook your own dinners and navigate your own way. It’s tiring, sure, but it’s good for you! That’s why people who hop from one relationship to the next will often say, “I think I just need to be single for a while.” Being single gives you full control and full responsibility to make your life as full as you want it to be.

10. You sorta feel like going out more. Do you realize how much the world has to offer? I mean, geez, the films, the theater, the museums, the parties, the festivals, the food…. And when you’re single, the world is your oyster, and perhaps the place you’ll meet your other half. Couples can obviously do all these things, too, but sometimes, sigh, they just don’t feel like it. It’s why all those celebrities give quotes to Us Weekly saying, “We’re boring, we just like staying in and watching TV together.” It’s a natural progression in a loving relationship: You enjoy each others’ company so much, you may not reach for outside entertainment to fill in the blanks as often as you used to. So if you’re feeling like you just want to go go go, and do do do lots of new stuff as a single person go for it. Follow the lead of your energy before you become, you know, like one of those boring celebrities.

11. You don’t know what’s inside your present. There are two kinds of kids: The ones who sneak into their parents’ closet to see what they’re getting for the holiday, and the ones who like to be surprised. But you know who has more fun on Christmas morning? The ones who don’t know what’s inside the package until they tear off that wrapping paper. Love is similar. Couples already know what’s in their box; yes, it’s the best gift they ever got, and they hopefully appreciate it every single day. But they are missing one thing: they know what’s in that box. If you’re single and you don’t know who you’re getting? Embrace the excitement of the uncertainty.

Trust me, all singles get to that place. Oh, you know the one…


You’ve been single for a while, and since you really really want to be in a relationship, you start to bargain with yourself. You think, “Maybe I could just settle for someone I like just enough” instead of waiting for one who will truly make your heart floweth over. Well, here’s the sign I’d post in that puddle of pessimism: No settling allowed!

I’m all about being picky. To make it clear why I don’t think you should settle for “eh” when it comes to a lifetime love partner, here are 10 reasons why settling works against you. Don’t settle for love, because…

#1: …settling is a choice made from fear. Don’t choose a relationship because you’re afraid to be alone. Or because you’re afraid you won’t find someone better. Or because you’re afraid you’re not good enough to attract someone who’s nuts about the real, true you. Be strong, not scared! You’re a tough cookie and you know you’re meant for more, so don’t let fear make decisions for you. Trust in the good life can bring you.

#2: … passion is like a hot pepper in a good soup. In other words, it changes in flavor, but it doesn’t diminish. If you choose a relationship with a passion and attraction to the whole person (not just their looks), the rewards of that emotional attraction can still be there decades later. But choose a relationship without that emotional passion? You could end up with a soup with no flavor at all.

#3: …friendship marriages are different than deep, romantic ones. Yes, some people can commit to an arranged marriage and still stay together for the long run. But it can take years to develop any emotional zing—if ever they do at all. Relationships can offer so much more than someone who cleans the toilet or puts gas in the car every other time. You can have more if you want it.

#4: …love isn’t a business contract! I read a quote from a woman who says she feels okay that she settled for her partner since marriage, after all, is like “a mundane non-profit business.” A mundane non-profit business? Goodness, what kind of marriage is that? Personally, I prefer to be alone than spend time with people who don’t speak in some way to my heart. Don’t you? Marriage or your big relationship should be the same way! Let your heart have a say.

#5: …When the novelty of coupledom wears off, you’re stuck with each other! All day. All night. All weekend. All the time. Watching not just your favorite shows but theirs. Withstanding not just their acceptable habits, but their annoying ones, too. Do you want to spend all your quality time with someone you wouldn’t give your high-quality stamp of approval?

#6: …settling is a sign you’re pessimistic about your future. It says you think you’ll never meet someone who adores you, who’s healthy and right for you, and who you love wholeheartedly in return. Be a dating optimist! If you want to feel happy, challenged, smart, pretty, safe and attracted to your partner, you can. You first have to believe the right partner is out there for you, and then begin asking for him or her to come rolling on into your life.

#7: …you deserve more! If you want to feel amazing about yourself and feed your healthy self-esteem, you should partner with a wonderful, respectable person you’re madly attracted to in some special way. Settling with someone you don’t respect and adore is a way of diminishing yourself. You deserve someone as great in heart and soul as you are.

#8: …if you settle, there may come a day later in your life when you feel you’re missing something. Are you prepared to battle with that? Someday, when you see couples who seem to care deeply for each other in palm-sweating, butterfly-churning ways, do you want to think, “What have I done? I never had that…” or do you want to smile, hug your honey and say, “Love is amazing. We have that, too.”

#9: …you deserve a big, bad, wonderful love! Long-term commitments are marathons, not sprints. If you’re going to go the distance, you want someone next to you that makes the run worth doing—through the highs, the lows, the effort and the exhaustion. Give yourself the gift of a wonderful life for the whole long run.

#10: …if you’ve settled with a so-so someone, you won’t be open when your other  half comes along! Your other half is so desperately hoping you’ll be open. Do yourself the favor of making sure you are. Don’t lie down into a relationship if it’s not going to make you stand up and shine. Celebrate yourself and the love you’re meant to have, and don’t settle for anything less!


Lets talk about that four letter word “Love”


I was always on the case to find love. I dated, I socialized, I went online, I scoped out events for cute guys the minute I entered. Which is why the advice that some people gave me was so aggravating. Their suggestion? “Stop trying. The minute you stop looking, for love, you’ll find it.” And while I got the gist of what they were saying—scouring the city with a wild love hunger was affecting my happiness—it also felt a bit defeatist. Like, really? Just sit back and wait for a guy to come knocking? It felt like the equivalent of “Just wait by the phone for a man to call,” which we girls  learned to stop doing long ago. (At least I hope we have?)

But I think there is a line here. The way I see it, “trying” is one thing. And for that I mean: Going online to find love. Asking to be set up. Giving a guy a second chance even when there wasn’t chemistry the first time. If what you want is love, then I say sure, try anything.

But then there’s trying too hard, and that’s another thing entirely. I know, because I’ve been the girl that tried too hard, though I didn’t know it at the time.  I cringe when I think about the guys I pushed to like me, the dates I pushed to happen, the parties I waded through in desperation, asking everyone, “Is anyone single here? Have you seen any cute guys?” I remember once hounding my friend once to arrange a set-up with the brother of a friend of hers who was mentioned to me in passing. (Can you follow that?)

Flip, I felt like a fool. Not only was I trying too hard, but was doing it for some jerk-off (can I say that on here? Trust me, I want to say worse!). The point is, that experience was not good for my self-esteem. I felt like a desperate single woman “on the prowl” just like Aly’s friend, willing to do anything to find a partner. Persistence seems to work with everything else in life, I thought, so why not with love?