20 Days & Counting…


Today marks my 20 days before everything literally changes. If you haven’t been up to speed on my adventure as yet,well here is the just of it. In 20 days Ill be moving out of South Africa to travel Europe, study, learn french and work part time in between the hussel and the bussel of what France has to offer me. 20 Days till I leave my comfort zone, 20 days till I get to experience true and pure freedom and 20 days till an adventure beyond any and all of my dreams start. Sounds exciting right? And it is… but its also quite daunting. I don’t think anyone (in my close nit family group) really knows how scared I actually am. I am a true lover of change, any change. I’m not a bi fan of routine all that much but when It come to packing your whole life into one suitcase to move to a country where no one really speaks English, then yes, the nerves start to set in.


You have to learn how to adapt to your new surroundings, learn a new language (or at least the basics), make new friends, find your way around without getting lost (which might be a little more tricky as I already struggle in with this in the country that I currently live in), settle into a new job, move into a new apartment etc. Its a little exhausting when you really think about it, but then again its also all part of the new adventure which I am actually looking forward to conquering. Beside all the little things that one needs to face the excitement of everything also gets my smiling from ear to ear. The toughest thing I think of it all would be the distance, not seeing the faces that I love and care about so much. Dinners with the family and weekends away or missing my best friend of 15 year’s wedding, not being there for birthdays days, holidays, Christmas or new years. Those will be days that I think I will find the hardest through this experience but in between all the bad days there will be plenty of good days too, that’s for sure. Instead of being scared if the unknown we should embrace it. There will undoubtedly be scary moments but I promise you there will also be plenty of great ones too.

20 days and counting…

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